Dominic’s story makes no freakin’ sense in the actor path.
Oh my God, the women this season...
Holy Mother of God, Ruby don't do this to me...
Everyone, who’s your favorite LI in history?
Guys he so fine. I don’t know what to do💔. Callum is bae and I wanna be loyal but this man🙏
The downgrade is crazy 😭
Someone tell me why my Gramma Hattie has the Vampire Aspiration 💀
Just two besties living their lives (ft Corey Nyhus from Nordhaven)
Do you guys find realistic sims unsettling??
Könntet ihr mir sagen zu welcher Art Anwalt ich gehen muss?
Black envelope & Vega (if you ran out of diamonds)
Which one is your most replayed season? Why?
Help me find a Tiktok/Short/Reel where a girl at the gym falls off a balancing plate after her chubby friend hands her a kettle bell.
Who’s a morally grey person but the opinions are divided?
I had a wee brainstorming sesh about this... (aka an introspective ramble)
Bloodlines 2 Movement/Transversal Demo
How we feeling about the lastest dev diary?
I suspect very few people on this sub actually read the VTMB2 developer dairies.
What's with the static?
AITA for refusing to wear colored contacts for my wedding because my fiancé’s family thinks my natural eye color is "too intense"?
Leak: Sims 1 & 2 re-release coming Jan. 31st
Realistically: What Clan do you think would be embraced into?
Rain on lock/home screen?
I really want to like her, but I just can't stand Cassandra anymore. 🫠
How do you organize your Pokemon cards?