My dash went haywire
I would have loved nothing more than Chrono Trigger on the Switch. Maybe on the new hardware. What are your go to comfort games?
When are you buying your Switch 2?
New Exhaust just dropped.
What’s Your Ideal Lineup?
Does anyone actually think a Subnautica movie will actually happen? As much as I'd love to experience a Reaper grab in I-max, with no yet confirmation, the chances are really low.
The end of fun (The 20th ann. event has concluded)
New animated show for preschoolers on the way
Christmas has come!
What do you CALL your prawn in EVERY run?
Came in for my 10k service with exactly 10k miles on the car.
Just rolled in for my 10k service with exactly 10k miles
Came in for the 10k service with 10k miles.
Came in for my 10k service with exactly 10k miles
What did you name your car?
Is this a good deal?
Myst 1993 - I can't believe how gorgeous graphics were back then!
Would you ever be interested in a movie reboot that follows the book more closely?
As we all know, the original is usually better. In your opinion, what are some fantasy adaptations that are better than the original?
Comparing sizes
You're better than you think.
I made and mailed this nursery door sign to a wow friend who recently became a Dad :) (+some extras!)
Right hand Evo rolled into the shop
Which logo and tagline do you like best?
"Tank lfg ZF full quest run"