Pokémon Through the Generations: The Women of Galar
Top 10 Soundwave ships
favorite character who is older than he actually appears?
Who is the leader of the CMC?
Favorite character, you are a liiitle unhealthily obsessive over?
Henshin ending poses. Are you excited for the transformations? ✨
Post Your Wildest Group Chats
Favorite character who has a catchphrase/thing they say a lot?
Favorite character that is a pet?
I just found this site and bruh I'm finding so many bots here will post more tomarrow
What’s one thing your dad said to you that you’ll never forget?
This creepy orange thing in South Florida
Me and my sis text last night
dreamt i had a date at the aquarium that did not go well
Favorite hear me outs?
What is a youtuber you hope won't get in any controversy?
I came across this on Pinterest, there's way more images of this, its the bible but as bread? Its really weird there was some ai pics of people eating the bread bible I saw too
Creepy or sexual characters who still have some morals
Not much of a comic, more of a wall of text. But still, I don't know much about drawing and I wanted to make something like this.
Whats a movie everyone loves but you can’t stand?
Do you prefer Megatron to fly or be a tank?
Is it weird to draw nsfw of my own OCs?
What is your favourite isopod species?