What’s your laziest habit that helps you function?
What do you do when you feel lonely (Like you have a void in your heart)?
What would you do if you had 6 months off, fully paid at your current salary?
It's 12:30am and I've just decided that my new passion in life is designing chairs.
I am very new to Reddit
If I was put into wet cement and it hardened can I still pee?
A cult I’d be fine joining
Can I wear a Mamelodi Sundowns shirt in Lenasia
One Piece: Chapter 1140
What’s the most dramatic ‘final straw’ moment you’ve ever witnessed—when a person, group, or company just snapped after enduring too much?
Have you ever witnessed a 'final straw' moment—when a person, group, or company finally snapped after enduring too much?
A subreddit dedicated to talented people "schooling" or out classing people
What’s a company secret you know because you worked there?
What are South Africa's laws when it comes to tips?
What can we expect next week?
How much do you save a year?
What a 2 percentage point VAT increase would actually cost SA households
Okay I'll bite... Wtf are these people smoking?
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
What older famous person do you think is hot?
What is something you want but can’t afford?
How many people in Johannesburg would like a cat café?
Looking for a kind soul to help a writer's dream come true.
What are the wisest words you've ever heard?
What do you want?