Can I still fast?
Just got smacked in the face
Deciding to be childfree
Friend said she wanted to use me as a surrogate
people seethe when they find out you are childfree.
My Experience with Jury Duty in Melbourne in 2024
how do they do it
Opinion on halal nail polish
*EXTREMELY* itchy and red burning rash above upper lip? I have had this for years and I cannot find any relief. Does anyone else have this?
Why can’t people admit that Allah didn’t make everyone physically beautiful.
The goal for sure!
Falling out of love with my husband.
Bi-Weekly Marriage Opinions/Views and Rant Megathread
I just got married a few months ago, and I am looking for genuine advice
I Want To Get Married But I Have a Homosexual Past
Do your parents also talk bad about you behind your back?
First day wearing hijab
People of Reddit, what did you have for breakfast today?
What is the first thing you think people notice about you when they see you?
How can you tell if someone who has lied / betrayed you / cheated on you deserves a second chance?
Do you think this is rude?
Cultural appropriation wearing hijab?
Anyone want to join a discord server for venting, getting advice or support?
What experience do you have with finding out that you’re being talked about negatively behind your back?