[14f] anyone wanna chat
No one can make me hate this sweet boy 😞💔
I need 700K
So many Conservative Men are losers
I can’t get over this picture!
Hitler died in 1945, and the iconic Looney Tunes cartoon Wabbit Twouvle was released in 1941. Therefore, it’s possible Hitler saw the original Big Chungus
Little Rant Here
What are these floors for?
A few years ago someone posted this here on the sub.
Equality in Face, but in Reality: Poverty Kills Dignity in Hong Kong
16f can’t sleep so ama
I just realized this about Shane
Do you guys think you'll have kids one day?
I feel like Donald Trump is corrupting my conservative friends who I know are good people.
Harlem New York in the 1940s.
What’s something you hate/dislike about season 1? (Aside from the shortness of it)
If they had accepted more people into the group, would it have helped or would it have ended everything?
When should’ve Daryl died off
Gotta love the south.
[14F] Context about me getting homeschooled
At what age did you have your first girlfriend?
Is the President of the USA a Russian agent? Or owned by Putin?
The American people need shock therapy
Strange and beautiful residential buildings
I miss the glory days of 'The Walking Dead'