I pinched my finger with pliers and instead of one bruise i got like 40 tiny bruises.
Tinned Corned Beef now £3.50 a tin!!
Anyone remember this
AIO to my husband (we’re both 45) being friends with a 31 year old woman that he works with who he also texts often (messages are between him and her)
mikaela response
What did people in the recent plane crash die from?
My trust is employing qualified nurses in band 2 and 3 roles due to a lack of nursing vacancies
Who is your favourite housewife of all time?
My best friend text me and all it said was “bought baked Walkers. Taste like shit. Really ruined my day”
Question from an American Nursing Student?
Do you think skinny men appeal more to women than really muscular men?
If you had to live in another European country, what would it be and why?
What the fuck is wrong with YouTube?
I’m hungry but don’t have anything to eat for lunch
What does my fridge say about me?
Having to fill out an inventory of your possessions and sign a disclaimer when you arrive in hospital because people are stealing on the ward
What’s your go to potato waffle meal? Waffle, fried egg and baked beans - absolute comfort food
TikTok being banned in another country being the top news item here
Can you tell if I’m straight or gay by my fridge?
Were your parents, like mine, proud of their Pampas Grass?
Ally is booked and busy
This sub isn’t the only ones interested in the fog. Is there something to this? It’s strangely thick.
I've noticed that I've never seen a housewife make eye contact with the camera
The nostalgia!