[Entry Thread #103] It’s that time where we spring forward! We once again ask for your participation by commenting and entering, then donating to the winner!
If you're going to DC to protest...
That’s our GameStop Board Member Larry Cheng: “Cash combined with courage in a crisis is priceless.” -Warren Buffet 🔥
In Case any BULLSHIT pops off.
USA : Trump edging closer to Insurrection Act
Giveaway! Original Ænima vinyl. Comment to enter.
GameStop 2.0 Theory: A Better Tomorrow
Looking for a name!
It’s the same shirt.
37/M finally took the plunge
Wut he said 🔥
Tesla’s market cap sinks below $1 trillion as stock slumps more than 8%
Stay warm ents. Bonus Freyja
Proof that I sold!
We’ve got the price under $25 surely they’ve given up now? Meanwhile in Superstonk…🎷🐓♋️
How to beat Trump, don’t believe him
Now it’s Funny Again!
It ain’t much, but it’s honest work. Officially an XXXX Hodler after DCAing for 4 years. I’ll hold onto these until my X Hodler Apes have enough to change their life with.
So young…so hopeful…😆
Rest Easy Friends, MOASS is Inevitable 🎷🐓♋️
Shareholders urge UnitedHealth to analyze impact of healthcare denials | Reuters
Hot Take: Schmitty is actually the worst
401K YOLO 11,000 shares
Risitas is even more bullish on GME after 4 years