My company wants leadership to be able to contact you at all times
Sleep, a difficult piece of recovery
Is it normal to kiss your cat on the head?
I made this statue of a cat but her leg broke off in the kiln. How do I mend it?
I have Zofran but is vomiting common or hit/miss? - surgery Friday
help needed! opinions?
My Shelter cat photos for this week (3-17-25)
I volunteer as photographer for my local shelter. Here is this weeks Cat photos! (3-17-25)
Should I be concerned?
Feeling set back by the gastrocnemius recession
It’s my birthday, and I want to see your cats!
Numbness and Tingling
Heel pain?
Day 5 post op - lapidus procedure
Yeah so bandages removed ... Been told to let it air dry and apparently these are dissolvable stitches...
Pain Meds
Potential Infection?
First day after surgery!
Day 2 (or is it 3?) Update
Quick rant, kinda embarrassing lol
Today was the day! Quick update
Frustrated with recovery from Lapidus-type surgery
Surgery Friday, scared AF
This sub has me scared for surgery now