Problem with transparent writing of some scam website over my screen (iPhone 12)
Problem with with transparent writing of some scam website over my screen
No way it’s the MWORD 7tv emote as a book?!
Offline chat DRAMA!: RosariasFishnets is coming to get me
Is this sword good for anyone else other than Furina?
Based Jamie take, it’s always XL
10-sided abyss teams
5 slot team stunlocks, which would be meta and would some character be more meta?
If abyss had 10 sides, what would your teams be?
if there were 5 team slots, what would some of the best teams be and would certain characters be more meta?
Snezhnaya will totally bring it back around! Haha……
Banner Stunlock
This is some bait right here
How's everyone feeling about the new MoC, I'll go first 🥲
Is c3 faruzan still worth to build for xiao? If so, how should I build her if my xianyun already has vv set? I also don't have furina, so may I also ask about who should I use to replace her. tyia!
Addressing the "susca" allegations if Zy0x wasted 1000+ days of farming
I lowkey...agree with this video after getting her,I think im not the only one who thinks Zaj has a lot of Bias takes principally toward characters he just dont like for any reasons(Idk what flair i should put this)
Buddies, my wife wants to get a pet. What should we get?
The teams I'd use if abyss had ten sides
Those who know
I need your 🫵 Zy0x photos. I’m planning to draw Zy0x in a portrait with a background of community jokes/memes/emotes as a collage. Pls help
Version 5.4 Weapon Overviews