Anybody want to chat about her friend Jena frumes let’s go crazy
Do you agree with this Cameron take ?
Joy.mei is flaming hot
Casually Stunning
Alle is irresistible
SupCaitlin is hot
Sommer Ray
Just beautiful
Sexy straps
Such a goddess
Do you consider Inglourious Basterds to be Quentin Tarantino's best film?
Guys what other shows will scratch the breaking bad itch for me?
is it me, or Season 3 is just out of place?
What film(s) are you going with?
A mess
What is your top three favorite Stanley Kubrick films?
Izzy green
Christopher nolan vs Dennis villanueva
Was this the most hackiest writing ever? I don't think any show comes close
Is it just me? Is BCS better than BB?