To all the moms who have lost weight breastfeeding…
Sharing a bedroom with an infant
Changed from medela to spectra gold and supply dropped
Does supply ever naturally increase?
Sudden dip in supply
Singaporeans! Share your BEST date experience and did you end up together afterwards? Why or why not?
18 days old bb keeps crying
Devastated with baby having been diagnosed with grey star
Seeking help for measurements of the LV neverfull MM dust bag
Too alert after MOTN feeds
Poll: are people asking to hold your baby or do they wait for you to offer?
Does yr partner follow you to every medical appointment?
What are your thoughts on sleeping in separate beds or rooms from your cohabiting partner/spouse?
1.5 weeks breastfeeding and I’m in agony
Pain on pooch above scar
What was your signs you were about to go into labor?
What will you be having for meals on these 2 days of CNY?
Does medela parts fit any other breast pumps?
Getting enough sleep while breastfeeding
What’s the one thing you swear helped increase your milk supply!!? -Signed, a struggling under producer
How much allowance is enough for a secondary school kid nowadays?
“You’ll forget and want another”
How far along were you when you gave birth and did you have any risk factors?
To people who, for some reason, are not celebrating CNY: What would you be doing?