I’m in the Prius club!
Deadlift check
Is there anything wrong with my back extension form?
Top speed?
Just started trying squats with a squat safety bar
Asking for my sanity 🙄
Beautiful girl - goes for hard massage fucking
Would a double papasan chair fit in a 2009 Prius?
My Prius used to turn on after one push but now requires multiple?
What is your mileage, what is your model?
Is marriage worth it?
Who does the majority of the housework?
Mechanic selling a 2013 pruis
Over 30 gym goers, do compound lifts get harder with age?
men over 30, how do you get out of bed on the morning?
i want to marry her so bad
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Is your phone private or do you let your spouse look at it at any given moment?
Such great timing...
How can I clean up the bumper?
So is a Harmony Hub a brick now if you don't have a Windows computer handy?
Can I kill a mosquito by using a taser on myself ?
Should you share your phone password with your spouse?
First time owning a Prius. Am I doing it right?
Do I deserve to sleep in at least one morning per year or is that a big ask ?