Can someone sell me on 7empest?
What was I thinking?
GI Joe 1993
Some goodies I haven’t looked at in a while
Frank Miller Run
Gotta love Typhoid Mary
Make me cry myself to sleep
Just arrived...To crack or not to Crack?
Didn’t realize I had this!
How do you think Ozzy´s set at BTTB will be?
2 grails for my collections came in today
Give your honest take on this movie.
Some random books I felt like sharing.
Suggested Runs
First issue, first appearance of Martha
General comic show gripe
To Crack or not to Crack
It happened! It finally happened!
I f’ed up big time.
“A lawn mower, a chain saw, and…”
Ahoy! Adam ‘Mr. Blank’ Blank here. AMA
Listening to Master of Reality
Enjoyed this one, heck of a Rosetta Stoned cover.
Ozzy Osbourne reveals he will not perform a full set at Black Sabbath's farewell gig
First concert abroad - etiquette question