Who Is The Most Evil? (We Take A Test To find Out) - Mega64 Podcast #749
Grab your popcorn, it's movie time boys
Thoughts on them changing old thumbnails?
Hunter’s “David voice” sounds a bit like …
In response to people saying the Rebirth trailer feels like nothing like Jurassic Park. If it's not this.. I'll take it
Mega64's Little Moments
Nixon on Eisenhower’s Leadership During Crisis
Hit me with your best Tim facial expressions
Anyone else disappointed by Indiana Jones villains? They're not developed and I don't know why I'm supposed to hate them
Worst crashout since 2023
true story
Rice dispenser
We lost so fucking hard 😔
Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Dir. John Carpenter, DoP. Dean Cundey
Just a little something I made.
Here we go
Favourite movies that look like movies ? I'll start
This is his Magnum Opus
Titles that were wasted on their movie?
Millennials did some cringe stuff too
Do you find it difficult to give 5⭐️?
The only Blood Meridian adaptation I can accept…
The Monkey review: The best Stephen King movie since IT
The call is coming from inside the closet