Billionaire losses since Trump took office. I have not fact checked this.
People are illegally boycotting Teslas so Trump is going to buy one.
You see the MAGA marching orders change in real time. They don't even bother to delete the old spin.
No Kings Day Protest
Pretty sure Alex is taking a beating from his own audience.
Protest right now at the Statehouse
Another pardoned "peaceful" J6er is serving time. Community Note explains why.
Let’s fucking go! Drain the Swamp! No one is above the law.
America we dodged a bullet. Can’t believe 67 million people voted for this disaster.
Azelia Banks with maybe the most unhinged take on Alex Jones I have ever witnessed
Anybody else here for the novelty snack content? This list would be great inspiration for Dan
who in Columbus is ready
Who will win this war?
I know that the camera adds an extra 10lbs but seriously? Any information on this?
Dan's comment on Tucker
Not sure why Santa left these in a hospital employee parking lot, but Merry Christmas I guess?
What goes on here?
If you shit your pants during the start of service, what do you tell your chefs?
I had the best Birria ever in North Linden. Ever.
Is this why they tried to Kill President Trump, declare a protest an Insurrection, arrest him 4 times, convict him 34 times? All because he’s going to reveal all the Deep States dirty little secrets? He’s a threat to their power by revealing the true insurrection.
Help! I love this game, but...
Hope everyone is prepared for the UFO invasion tomorrow!!! :)
The CIA killed John McAfee. RIP
Anyone else seen this guy?
I need a breaky from the chaos and stupidity of Alex for a couple of weeks, what upbeat podcasts do you recommend to help?