Does it always take 5-20 minutes just to land once you've reached a planet?
Life in prison for the most notorious criminals. Seriously can we stop this while actually disruptive players fly free?
Oh, I'm sorry. Am I in your personal space, mr. invisible? IF ONLY I COULD HAVE SEEN YOU SOONER.
made my first billion
Not DC... but close enough?
Looking for DAW recommendation
[DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!
Repping the guys who dye
Since some of you requested another perspektive from my "edge of tomorrow" post
Musk sharing Misinformation 50501 needs to be prepared
"FACEIT AC is currently running as administrator, this is not recommanded."
The xeno and I went into the same vent.
Trump has words for DC
What do you think happens to her?
Reminders from Rook
If you're a big Cache fan like me and eagerly awaiting its release, here’s everything you need to know and see about the CS2 Cache (WIP).
When "tattoo of the week" gets 100 000 more reactions than your 200th sponsored mix by legendary Ace Ventura
CS2 spin butterfly keybind?
Kelvin was eating all my food, so he's been sentenced to time in the Ziggurat
You need a headset to play this game!
Did I make a mistake.. Red or blonde?
We can now edit dialogue in Alien Isolation. It's actually not that hard.
I still can't believe we're actually getting a sequel! How has it been nearly 11 years since Alien Isolation launched?!
The Xenomorph is giving me chest pain!
A 10 year old game has no business looking this good, damn.