Holding steady at goal;
Does anybody else have trouble getting used to not being fat?
I Accidentally injected two 10mg pens
How to get started
Does anyone have a ring that is similar to this style from a reputable vendor they would recommend or have an idea of what something like this would cost custom made?
WIBTA if I didn't share my referral bonus with my friend?
When should I start seeing some weight loss?
Lost 52 pounds in the last sixth months..
Goodbye, 7.5mg!
On 5 and loss is SLOW…did 7.5 make a big difference for you?
Question about alcohol
If you need a Thursday Laugh- this'll getcha! Don't take edibles on Zepbound
New to Zep “Super Responders”— be careful if you still have your gallbladders
Has zepbound stopped anyone else from drinking alcohol?
Be Patient
injection site advice
Alcohol and pancreatitis
Day 1, hella nervous
Pricing CVS vs Walmart
When will the announcement come that Zepbound cures Alcoholism?
Afraid to titrate up
Prescription questions
WTF am I doing wrong
Does Menopause affect weight loss?