How To Hate Jews: 2025 Updated Guide /s
How do you personally cope with the realization that innocent people are dying in war while the world just watches and debates?
What do you think is the most effective female contraceptive method?
What’s a “non-political” question you can ask someone that will probably tell you their political stance?
What’s a piece of history you think more people should know about?
What are some reasons people in relationships might still watch porn or masturbate?
What do you think about Femboys?
What is the woke mind virus? What are symptoms, cures, treatment options of this new threat?
What profession would you never date?
What is your f*** everything song?
What’s an opinion that you will never understand?
How would you handle it if your teenager wanted plastic surgery?
Those missiles in Yemen hit civilians.
what’s that crystal clear reality thing that everyone is denying?
People with little dick, how your partner reacts when first time seen your manhood?
Whats the craziest thing a teacher said to you?
How can a civilized country abuse desperate immigrants running from tyranny and oppression and still be considered civilized?
What are some disadvantages of being a woman in our society?
If you could describe the way music makes you feel, what would it be?
How can a civilized country pretend to believe in Christianity while perverting and debasing its tenets and still be considered civilized?
Question for Americans: Do you think there will come a point when Americans exercise their right to bear arms to protect the Constitution, or will it turn out the way it did for us Germans in the 1930s and 1940s?
What are your thoughts on people who want to emigrate to a new country but refuse to learn the language or put in the effort?
What political opinion do you have that absolutely everyone, left and right, hates?
If you could travel/move to any country where would you go and why?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?