South Tryon St Loud Cars
Off and on Check Engine Light
Highly illegal red-light running U-turn right next to a CMPD officer
A month ago a water main ruptured outside my apartment building and wasn’t shut off for 13 hours. Finally now they’re towing cars out of our underground parking, and this is what every one looks like.
Dinners that are nice but not fancy?
Dating in Charlotte. I’m open to anything.
Found blood splatter in my hotel room
Overloaded cargo barely misses me falling off truck only hitting my hand
Am I crazy? I'm 37, she's 33. I feel like I'm crazy.
So cool
Went to go pick up a mobile order I already paid for.
Every city has one – DAY 4!
Every city has one - DAY 1!
Am I overreacting by not being attracted to my husband just because he went on a gay app to just look?
140 dogs have come into CMACC since Saturday.
Found this in my engine. What does it mean?
We are 5th out 100 largest city with most people in Financial distress
Derp! I’ll just wait then, it’s fine…
What is this sound/smoke?
my car broke down on the highway
Learning to drive a manual car in Charlotte
Cybertruck thinks it’s a real off-road truck… needs help from off-road FB group to un-stuck.
State of the roads this morning?
i just found out my estranged family deactivated my deceased auntys facebook. i used to reread her encouraging and love filled messages when i was feeling down. now theyre gone and im heartbroken all over again.
Am I Overreacting over my GF not giving me a farewell kiss?