Ok, which one of you told Fancy to model hair products? The company should send a cease and desist and sue for bad press. Thanks for letting me know which product line to avoid!
Is she serious? The entire internet is flooded with “concern”? Is she fucking SERIOUS? How redundant can one stupid bitch be? Yea DeeDee, we know, you didn’t want Gypsy to ever have a baby of her own.
Gypsy latest video about Nina and her lies 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She worked "so hard" on her brand
Flawed Nina make a fake burner account to start a fight with herself for attention, and practice a dramatic reading from her bed again. This video is giving high school drama club audition reject.
DeeDee on live right now: “Nick had a flaccid penis. Nick’s penis was flaccid. It was flaccid.” Can someone please shut off her internet? I think Nick has had enough humiliation for a lifetime, with you you two repeatedly calling him retarded with a soft dick every night for money.
Say what you want about Gypsy. There has to be something extremely wrong with your mental health and you must be evil to your very core to smile and celebrate an infant having a debilitating genetic condition. She is jumping for joy that a baby has a lifelong illness? This cretin is truly sick.
…I was told there would be “facts”?
Let’s spinna block to over a year ago, when Bookie said Gypsy was going back to Prison- because she thinks that a podcast interview is the same thing as a parole board review and/or testifying under oath.
Looks like Sydney already got PR from Mikliar
The way she lives in here has me dead. She has not a clue how to apply beauty products to others
I really can’t keep saying this. A child can (and nearly almost always DOES!!) have both, a chronic, pre-existing condition ****AND**** be a victim of Munchausen by Proxy. For example:
An old man who was going to speak against gender-affirming care in the Wisconsin state legislature, changes stance after listening to testimony for 7 hours.
So is she only polite when she's launching a product? Sure Jan.
Nina the Delusional Influencer once again getting called out for her lies.
Becca Doop: “I only have records for a few surgeries. Therefore, only a few surgeries were had.” As if she is the keeper / authority on someone else’s medical records? Guess what bitch, just because YOU don’t see something, doesn’t mean it never happened. You aren’t the provider!
Which one is ot gap toothed bitch?
A new skincare line for someone who has a new routine every week??
Who is the worst member of Bri's team besides Bri?
I feel like being ugly is the only thing that’ll guarantee you being single forever
Really?! Your Mods should be arrested for insurrection .
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Click the link so you can smell just like Fancy! Don’t everyone sell out the product all at once now 🙄☣️☢️
Bri, there’s no point in blocking everyone. People can still report the live without joining, while window watching. See?
Nina calls Alexis Oakley a “LOL COW”… that’s rich coming from you! Alexis is everything Nina tried to be, and failed. 1) Gypsy’s friend 2) A very successful celebrity makeup artist 3) Has a man 4) Thin and fit