Why is Tesla currently not available?
"You think we are in a bear market!?"
There ain’t no running from rule 1
🌸🥴 Me: All I Did Was Apologize To Avoid Him Abandoning Me Even When It Wasn’t My Fault 🥴🌸
The infamous Work wife!
A Japanese maglev train passes a group of spectators doing 500 km/h (310 mph)
✨🐾🌸~• 🥴 My #1 Toxic Trait Is Letting My BPD Just Block Bitches Left & Right 🥴 •~🌸🐾✨
Feeding snakes in an ophidiarium
I don't get it did something happen?
Wepe Scam 🥇
Just about done guys...
What type of coin is this?
Im done with crypto. I will never financially recover from this
Come on Guys 🚀
I’m out.
Today, I finally quit.
be reasonable with your trading
and... its gone!
Hours before? Lol cmaaaan
What calls do you suggest for this next month?
why am i not studying at harvard😭😭
Not trying to brag or anything but i just got my dividend payment
With Ethereum so low I had to finally buy a full coin today !! At $2,630 I think it’s a steal !!
Just started putting in £5 a day, and I'm already up £0.02.