180000 prona/patundeshmeri ne KS jan te pabanuara sepse jan te bleme prej diaspores..mendimi juaj?
Is The Vampire Diaries iconic in pop culture ? In the same way as Friends, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Lost, The Sopranos etc... (I mean it's popular on tiktok)
I just love the stray dogs in Prishtina barking in the middle of the nigh, and not being able to sleep.
A keni marr ndonje vaksine ne shkolle te mesme?
Ku mundem me raportu nje mjek apo infermier?
Official Discussion - Anora [SPOILERS]
it’s a very weird line of thinking
I have replaced over 800 Lenovo systems boards, this is the first time seeing this..
I have just got a new Thinkpad T14 Gen 5 after changing from X1 Carbon Gen 11
A jeni testuar najhere per semundje seksuale?
Ku ka cinnamon rolls nPrishtine?
How do I find female friends in Kosove?
Rekomandime per vende të ngjashme me newborn brew në Prishtinë
Edhe Kosova duhet ta zbaton kete ligj!
Turkey approves ‘massacre law’ to remove millions of stray dogs | Turkey
Nië arritje tjetër nga qeveria jonë 🇽🇰🇦🇱
Ku muj me ble nje banes ne Prishtine dhe sa eshte cmimi?
A man in Prizren got attacked by a bear today.
Challengers review
is there an olive reason why this RED tint turned pink on me?
Home ownership in European countries (2022)
Cila eshte per ju fjala e preferuar ne shqip?
“Do masazh?”
A ju duket qesharake?
Pse 90% e meshkujve shqiptar (nga kosova) jane aq misogynistic dhe patetik edhe me mentalitet te nje perdhunusit?
Levizja per te drejta te grave ≠ Feminizm