10 years of free to play Dokkan
10th anni headliner btw
How me and bro feel after opening the wall against a bandit tricker
Which defensive and/or offensive operator should I get next?
Don't waste your credits or renowns for the current event. Something way bigger and cooler is on the way
This battle was so insane I hate my life
i feel scammed from the 150 pull
Behold: the impeccable AI chat filter
Bros tweaking after he lost his shield
Finally at the big 1 mil club
Disappointed or Satisfied?
The Legend of Vox Machina S3 Discussion Thread | Episodes 7-9
holy crap guys
Who comes upon with these fuck ass usernames
Okay these guys are crazy. No i mean like, actually insane.
2 summons and a dream
Definition of Powercreep in a unit
What champions need a buff?
Maverick mains, what is this strat called?
Hero that takes the fun out of Wild Rift.
Warzone is scamming us!
How is this allowed?
Yuumi + Hypercarry is SO difficult to deal with
How do you stop vlad
Any secret meta champions?