I have a question, can this power be considered in power scaling?
shadow (shadow fight) vs Goku
alexander the great vs genghis khan, alexander is on horseback with a sword and shield and genghis kran is also on horseback with a bow and arrows who would win?
how powerful would a composite weapon be what would be the weapon's tier and abilities/haxes
Who is the most powerful historical figure in real life? Which one has the highest tier and abilities?
What is the strongest character that a normal human, with a sword that cuts through anything and a shield that defends anything, can defeat?
the sword that cuts anything vs the shield that defends anything
what is the most powerful firearm in fiction? (it must have all the requirements of a normal firearm)
Who is the most powerful Toon Force user in fiction?
is it impossible for a lower dimension to interact with a higher dimension like a singularity of a black hole which is 0D can interact with our world which is 3D?
being a character has the ability to be Indivisible (example Dalton's atomic model) what is his level of durability?
where do you scale zorro? (original)
Can power mimicry copy dimensionality? Is there any example in fiction where power mimicry was used to copy the dimensionality of a higher dimensional being?
What is the most powerful character that shadow from (shadow fight) can beat?
alexander the great vs genghis khan, alexander is on horseback with a sword and shield and genghis kran is also on horseback with a bow and arrows who would win
Which country has the most powerful folklore?
How powerful is Robin Hood (folklore)?
what are simo hayha's stats and skills (Real life)?
World of Darkness characters have been demoted to high tier 1-A
Do you agree with this power-based tier system?
One thing I don't understand is why the vsbattle wiki says that animals, weapons and other objects have piercing damage, what piercing damage is and why it doesn't say exactly how much this increases the tier?
What is the greatest feat of durability that a human being can achieve? Is there any human being with wall level durability since it is easier to be durable than to have an AP?
What is the tier of a being capable of destroying the entire hierarchy of the all dimensions wiki?