He's still a friend tho
they are so awesome! 🔥
First time “trust me bro” worked
Applying this privacy film
This stressball stresses me out
that’s lowkey cool
Murder skills enhanced. Lol
Neat…..but uhhh why?
The best feeling 🔥
where was this when i was 11 ??
Thats look fun
Nixie Tube Watch
bro think he's the hacksmith
A gyroscope is one of the most useful applications of conservation of angular momentum in several branches of science and technology
If this is real, I want one!
Thats pretty awesome
This is crazy
work hard , play even harder !!
Neat table
Thats preetty sick
Thats awesome
take my cash ! now !!
Flowers that don't die
I wasn’t expecting that 🤯
City name?