Ask me anything, and when I answer, edit your question to make me look bad
What BFDI character has you like this
Yeah… I think we’ve all seen “these” types of kids.
I can't stop laughing at this
On a video where an old man pretends to vape and then smokes weed☠️
wtf is this
Chat put UT/DR quotes with be gay
Famous/inspirational quotes, but the punchline is changed to “be gay”
New apple product lol
What is best to cave dive through?
What if a hadron with the top quark existed? (Don't ask how)
What if?
What are quarks made of?
Top quark question
Guys how do I beat it?
What country is this? (wrong answers only)
ask me anything, my friend will respond like DR.WD.GASTER
Particle Clicker - New Version
Chara won! Who will be in the chart next?
Custom boss fight?
Guys am I cooked?
Me ii
name him after the last thing you ate
type "mr" and let autocorrect finish
Fucking stupid mobile players who just drool at the damn screen…
what was this child's thought process?