The New Avengers Omnibus vol. 1
Monthly haul
Insane King defense
Why does every character in this game have God Tier wall carry?
You know what I never expected to find? This thing. In HD DVD!
Finally got all my media displayed, but they're a little unorganized atm
New Moon Knight MOD to Arkham Knight, by Medi
I can’t wait for season 3 of School Spirits! 😭
Downright devious.
What even is this game?
What is your go to comfort movie?
THIS is why you should just leave
Found this in the $1 bin at a local record store only to discover afterward that it's out of print and listed on ebay for $175.
This game is so exhausting man
My daughters, 18 year old, dvd collection
The most jank interaction/Im so sorry
Student of mine did some whiteboard drawings of Tekken characters.
What options have I got against this? (excuse the music)
“Congratulations you made it to level 70 fight pass. Here’s something you’ll probably never use. And if you do, you’ll run out.” These are the worst rewards I’ve ever seen in such a high budget game. Do better Bamco…
I think I might have a bit of an addiction problem.
DIY Classroom Collected Editions
Aliens Anthology
What do you mean, You People?
36 Hiyeahs in a row