Was this a guardian angel?
4 months on Simpesse: increase hunger & sweet tooth
White mucus from nose
What are some cool movies from the 80s that my parents may have seen?
Safe contact lens advice/brands??
A guide for buyee for importing so you don't waste your money like me.
Artists: is crediting paid work necessary?
Can I transfer purchased points back to my bank?
Natural way to cure chest pain?
Scam Warning from EBay ⚠️
24 with my first cavities
Will laughing gas make me tell my secrets & anxious fears?
Did medication seem to make you worse?
How can i purchase from Taobao, but not Xianyu???
Very confused on the meaning of this…!
Think im dying
Any Walk-Ins for a breast cancer screening?
Genuinely begging :( what is this??? Lots of extremely hard to pop pimples on the sides of my face and other acne I never usually get
What is the scariest dream you've ever had?
Anyone else have this problem? Black specks when I wipe, not really noticeable in poop.
Can i make an ISO post on ebay?
TIL you can get banned for something you posted many years ago, even though you were not banned for it at the time.
How exactly do sirens work to know if our area is in danger??