Lower left teeth are bleeding especially when brushing
Lost my 2nd moonflower?
Going through an chocolate chip identity crisis
What’s everyone doing on their childfree weekend?
Silver Sword Monster
Striking a pose
4 new rescues, one has black spot?
Trouble’s new name is Godzilla
LFS said tank is ready for betta already?
My betta George
My collection so far
My favorite Christmas present
Who is your favorite Sumiko character?
Soda pop restock on Pokemon Center US
What the heck happened?
My nemesis
My sweet Kenny
Update on how I'm doing!
Going to try SpeedPainting a some kitties today. Post your cat in the comments!
Hellebores fill me with Spring feelings
Clipper discussion ✂️
Pulled out my collection
Looking for extreme pets <3
What scrub do ya’ll use for growth removals that are close or on the eyelid?