What’s a good YEAT song to blast to annoy my neighbors?
1:18 vs 1:24🤣🤣🤣
shi WASNT worth 5 YEARS of waiting
Just unboxed this
New yeat tat, do yall like this? also it seems like he’s trying to cover up the symone tat lol
delusional ahh mf
Should I de-badge?
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Masini buget 25-50k
There's a GB goin on for "Iwas" rn and when it finishes we very likely to get a 2023 Grail GB too
Is this rice?
wtf rino liking 🤣🤣
Yeat and Ian have the same last name
What if
Custom yeat lego
2 week old VZ2
Give me your tuffest Yeat pic you got in your camera roll
name your fav ken song
Fan died. What’s a good replacement.
who’s an artist you’d hate to see on the party never ends?
How y'all fuck with this being the ADL theme/aesthetic potentially?
Too detailed not to be based off a real car.
Nobody talking about this song