Idk why as a Capricorn i cannot stand a Taurus, it's almost like when talking to them I feel there's a wall in between like thoughts aren't exchanging
Gemini Person
Aries was voted most aggressive, and Pisces was voted least. Next: Which sign is the most creative, and which is the least?
3rd Decan gems assemble!
Gemini vs. Sagittarius: What's the difference?
Why do ALL Pisces men seem to ghost !? I’m a cancer woman I thought we were the “ best astrology match “
What's your venus?
What's your venus, Virgo suns?
the exact fuck i give ( •̀ - •́ )
What's your venus, Capricorn suns?
What's your venus, Sag suns?
What's your venus, Aries suns?
What's your venus, Leo suns?
What's your venus, Taurus suns?
Okay, so what's your venus?
Alright, what's your venus?
Communication is important for Libras. How do you want that communication to go ideally?
I don't get how rising signs and physical appearances are related, can someone explain?
which zodiac sign is an alien?
Air signs and how they see others