What is your opinion on Daiva’s and Kola ?
Guys, I think I've some solid proof to believe the accused in Soujanya's case, Nischal Jain aka Nischal Dharmasthala, was indeed in the US when the incident happened.
On Soujanya case: Just curious as to why there is not a single photo or interview or whereabouts on the main suspect Nischal Jain(Harshendra Hegde's son?)
If Lord Manjunatha and Anappa Swamy are really as powerful as we heard ,then why victims in Dharmasthala are not getting justice.Also why are criminals not afraid of the power of the dieties there?
It's over 😔
Sorry but it's a hard fact accept it
Ye poora channel fake, edited misleading videos se bhara hua hai. How this shit exists?
I can't take this anymore !
Who raped& Murdered Innocent Girl Soujanya Gowda?
Everything is doomed
Many of you here must have watched TRS podcast of Rajashry Nandy. But I would like to know a tantric's perspective on the situation of host's recent controversy.
Why do I feel like he is mentally prepared and ready for a huge comeback (I really hope so😭)
No words Just......😑
Maybe catch real criminals next time?
Let me turn your username into an AI image
Watch this interview which sheds more light on the case!
Just watched dhruv's video on igl. My thoughts.