First time getting a Blokees figure
The forbidden Ultra fusion
Name other good couple in Ultraman franchise besides these two
Custom Kaiju medals part 5
Ok that is straight up terrifying
Your Last Save Image defeat Ultraman
Custom Kaiju medals (Part 4)
Custom Ultra/Kaiju Medals (Part 3 I think)
Who's your favorite 'born to kill Ultras' kaiju?
Hibiki Rider's suit appreciation post
Some more custom Ultra/Kaiju Medals
What opinion makes you go like this?
what did he see
I made some more Ultra/Kaiju Medals.
All Monster Energy flavors (With variations)
I strive to be as happy as Kilton's enthusiastic about his monster statues
Kaiju cards that weren't included in the Card Replica Special Set
Showing of some custom Ultra Medals
I made some Ultra Suit ultra medals !
The pirates' life for me...
Great now I wish we had the YunoboCo uniform
I know she's not technically a senshi but I love her design so here's Reversian Succubus Hells Ranger Key.
"So what did you eat today ?"
Why does sidon have a whistle?
A quick update on the list.