Does anyone else struggle with "Inertia"?
Possible Gas Station Scam
$20 for best - I'd like a fun, absurd, teasing picture of my friend. Go way too far, this will be framed. Could be several instances of him in the final picture, as you wish. Go nuts.
Mileage Reimbursement System??
Invest In A Rolling Cart!!
Is an order late on the hour, or 1-minute after
3☆ on my birthday. Ruined my day.
Groceries smell like weed
Anyone else having orders removed without being notified?
Has anyone else has a customer ask this ?
In my review I reported that my order reeked like cigarettes and now they’re banned I feel horrible 😭
I’m a perfect number for everything but yet I’m getting almost no orders and when I do it’s low paying orders any one else having this issue?
Customer chat closed after delivery??
For next years calculations.
They really dont want to pay prop22
Ladies, what do you wear for bras?
PSA for you customers
The Uber pin number and why they do it
Tell me your Instacart shopper worst experiences
Did you know that if you go in a small shop for chips on NYE your MIL can proclaim you healed?
Blocking stores
Looking for input or suggestions
How would you rate/tip?