Does an orchiectomy stop DHT completely?
injection and drawing needle help!
How long
30 pounds wasn't challenging anymore so I bought some heavier balls and donated them to the gym just so I could carry them up the stair climber.
Gay colleague is being transphobic!
"is this a blowout?" "It burns" "are my lobes too thin?"
How are my levels possible?
Lowest point of my life (24) to the happiest I've ever been (29). What a ride ❤️❤️❤️
Maki Zenin Build
Are my e levels too high?
I Don’t Want to Pass
i think i got read as a girl
Any idea why this is happening to me?
5'7 136 mtf lbs Can I lose this lower belly or am I just wasting my time?
titty grow once fast now slow
tell me ur fav character
Open the schools
Subq to the leg
Ways you connect with femininity?
Can estrogen pills that are meant to be taken orally also be taken sublingually?
What makes authors scared of older leads?
Today’s my birthday and this is what a 49 year old HIV+, sober, vegan looks like. Yeah that’s right, I’m special so keep me under glass. 😜❤️