$3,285.00 Work Permit Fine? OMG.
US Male Teacher in Cambodia, who is not JUST A TEACHER
Idk if MASTERS IN LAW would be worth it
What would Trump supporters say now??
my kaamwali left 😔 (isb)
Whats the worst thing a girl has said/done to you? (Someone who wasn’t close to you)
Idk if doing a Master in Law would be worth it
Guy got weird when I told him no nudes lol
Shit happened
If a man tells his mother about a girl then is he serious about her?
Need Living Advice in Isb
Serious Legal Advice needed for an Overseas Pakistani
Serious Legal Help For A Pakistani in Cambodia
I made the steak niggaz
So, Mr. Beast visited Cambodia and helped amputees. Really heartwarming I must say
Affording life
Cousin Marriages shouldn't be allowed!!
If you Got 1 Lakh Rupees How will you turn it into 2 Lakh in Pakistan
Hey Islamabad! Newbie here - what's the vibe?
Would you agree Pakistan to be a Secular or Theocratical country?
Would you be OK if your wife had a past?
"My Ex was Toxic" But what if "I was Toxic"
High School student committed suicide
Kids gang star leader in Cambodia
Anyone please knows name of the model in this song of Tena?