My Hostel in Berlin put up Anti-USA Signage this Morning
People saying that Facism is on the rise due to the US under a post about Germany
100,000 march against fascism in Berlin
america will be expelled from NATO in the future whether you like it or not!
What would've happen if MrBeast became president?
D**g drop kicked me into a shelf.
What if Mexico stayed neutral during The Great War
USAians are savages
The United Nations in the year 3000
German carnival float in Düsseldorf today
Why do GPs ally OPMs but not me
very unpopular opinion: some form of aggressive expansion should be permanent in a future EU5 to replicate european balances of power
Is there any benefit on keeping a vassal/PU (besides colonizers)
Would you rather eat off of a clean plate that has been extremely disqusting before, or a dirty plate that has come out of a resturaunt?
More Casus belli
What are some "unpopular" opinions you have about alternate history?
Old Enemies, New War: The 2023 Rome-Persia War
Has paramount altered any SpongeBob episodes
Proper Army composition
My completely unbiased review of the 50 states
America won’t survive the next century
Schools are so unsafe apparently
What AI does Doug use in his twitch vs videos
Why would they take take providence
If Apartheid had been much stranger and worse