aio that my boyfriend has 3 girls pinned on snapchat
How do I get through? It feels like I'm not allowed to pass.
AITAH for refusing to give my family free culinary services for a party.
No, I didn't "hit it and quit it". I just stopped being the only one to initiate everything
Child support is accepted.
What are some cutesy things that guys are affraid to admit that they like?
AITA for telling my grandma not to sell an expensive setup for so cheap, even if it’s family?
AIO or am I being gaslighted
AITA for hating football and not letting my son miss school to attend a Super Bowl game
Our two rescues
Mermaid vibes only 🧜♀️
The ART and the ARTIST
AIO to my “friends” response to me unfriending her on social media ? Lo
My brother is not actively trying to work
AITAH for telling my cousin to take down a facebook post about our grandfather’s death?
AITA for yelling at my roommate for posting a video of me in just my underwear?
Excuse me, is this a joke?
AITA for not sending my cousin a graduation gift?
AIO (UPDATE) for taping this note to my neighbor’s door?
My thief cat steals sponges from neighbours and brings them home
AITA for correcting a friend when she said she “re-homed” her cat?
WIBTA, if me (28M) and my pregnant girlfriend (29F) split up because she moved to her hometown 300km away?
my sibling has been accusing me of using peanut butter as a martial aid
Virginity when to bring it up?