Where are the Democrats?!
Stay Vigilant...
Helpful Reminder - Cast Members remove Racist Parkgoers
What are some *actually* controversial movies?
Yoga and the Episcopal Church yea or nay?
Rich Mouse, Poor Mouse
Some thoughts on Evangelism and sharing the gospel
That’s it!! That’s all I can do. 😭
It’s kind, and sweet when supervisors provide pizza for their staff, and mocking it is mean spirited and unnecessarily cynical.
Seen on Facebook
My New Years message for each of us.
Going to the movies for the first time in a while, tonight. Anxious about etiquette.
What hill are you forever dying on?
Anybody want to work on the Duke Nukem 3D (Xbox 360 arcade) online achievements?
Disney Fans in Recovery?
That’s it. The lack of etiquette has driven me to join the Alamo Drafthouse faithful.
What are your thoughts and opinions on Alcohol?
I ain’t tryin’ to be in prison, dawg
What is your most “cringe” line in a movie?
Defeating Achievements FOMO before it defeats me! (360 Arcade)
The "Mediocre American-made Period Drama and/or High Fantasy" Starter Pack.
This section of the “Tomorrowland” Wikipedia is amazing. Was anybody there to experience this phenomenon?
What’s the Most Underrated Hip Hop Album of All Time?
Which rides do I get a return time for in an ECV?