The erroneous portrayals of brown women on western media stems from Western jealousy
colorism and light eye color halo
“Bring me the rock, Acha”
Style analysis- Avantika: ethereal romanticism meets girly coquette
Does Mindy Kaling Undermine Indian/South Asian Women?
Canary bird flew into our apartment
Islamist Tiktoker in Bangladesh harasses non Muslim girl for not wearing hijab
It’s never been art, only lore.
Did My Partner Cheat 10 Years Ago and Forget It Wasn’t Me that was with him
Do any of these women give "girl next door" vibes?
Women rate women much more objectively than men
What’s he doing? Is he just playing with the paper?😆
Which moon sign has the worst crash outs?
How to break ego of this kind of people?
Just saw someone say Adriana Lima looks like Jacob from Twilight and now I can't unsee it
this is a weird req lol 😭 but do you know any perfumes that smells like this gum?
Earth signs
Muslim schoolgirl admits lying that her teacher was Islamophobic - which led to him being decapitated by a jihadist - because she was suspended for two days and worried her parents would be angry
I Found Out My Boyfriend and His Family Talk Trash About Me in Their WhatsApp Group
Are you Team Western Astrology or Vedic?
Why do people not listen to music during Ramadan?