4 Piercings done in the past week.
Best spot for a view of city at night?
Getting Crash Trilogy in full screen?
Looking for a set of these darts 🤞🏻
Electric shower keeps shutting off?
B&Q problem can anybody advise?
What darts you got pal?
Looking to get into darts and got my first board for Christmas. This is the best space I could find that isn’t on my neighbour’s wall. What are the chances of me hitting the window?
im curious how many 180s you all got this year alone
Refresh chipping dartboard
Can you bend square trunking?
Shadows with new Board Light
Training mage at MM2 Caves
Anyone had problems with B&Q
Zulrah or Gauntlet Grind?
How many Vorkath kills per trip?
Keeping rotisserie chicken warm?
Whats the worst packaging you have sent or received?
Just finished SOTE now what?
Guys what do I do
How hard is SOTE?
Stool in shower caused red stains! Can somebody please tell me how to get these out?
Auto-scoring using only the device rear camera.
Recommend some non-Triple A games for the Steam Deck
Fastest WC 65-70?