Maximum # of Playlists = 300? Can't see the rest
Wizard101's test realm introduced the ability to donate pets. Sounds like a great idea, with the best of intentions! What could possibly go wrong? (picture credit: theatmoplex)
Is crafting essential?
New Wizard! Can you guess his school?
But WHY does everyone want it to be a meteorite?
I'm a Life Wizard who never learned Feint....
Questions about snakes and Athena
Storm: I’m Bad at This (Your Tactical Advice Please)
Any tutorial or guide to what every secondary school combination entails?
Shadow pips
I thought Darkmoor gear was supposed to be an improvement?
A guide to Darkmoor?
For someone who hasn't played the game in several years, can someone explain advanced combat?
"Play as the Icon" (Spellweaving) is killing me
Tips vs Thrym Winterhowl (Ice weaving)?
Broken weaving quests - Group quests?
What's the big deal with Grady (Dun Scaith TC vendor)?
death weaving quest help
Spellweaving: No Clue What These Cards Do
Quest Issue
Location problem
I got these two crystals!
i just got this from a vintage store, do you guys know what gemstone is this?
This Update is AMAZINGGGG