To people who made numerous attempts and eventually found long term sobriety
I shit myself this morning
I love getting trashed so much it’s my favorite thing
Splinter groups
How to cope with feeling good
Meeting in NYC
Checking on my health (I need to stop drinking)
Is this a meth pipe?
Italian dad has Irish Dan
Dream about a friend i no longer talk to
Moving out of my parent’s house feels impossible
accidentally ingested a small amount of turpenoid
Friend told me he’s also bi and now I want him
Tips for good blowjobs
Tips for giving a good blow job
How much
Possible craigslist room rental scam
previous co-host name
How to control alcohol consumption with somewhat alcoholic parents in the house
Going from gay male to bisexual
Possible repressed trauma
Possible repressed memory
Weird sexual stuff and possible repressed stuff