Elon Musk's Million Dollar Award
Turning Point Action On Wisconsin
Democrat wins special state Senate election in Pennsylvania in major upset
Bernie Sanders, Tim Walz and/or AOC should return to Wisconsin for one more rally...
Abortion plays a key role in Wisconsin Supreme Court race
If Trump ever holds a Wisconsin rally for Schimel...
Going door to door for Crawford. Any advice?
Don't drop your guard just because Susan Crawford is leading this poll!
President Donald Trump wades into Wisconsin Supreme Court race to urge support for Brad Schimel
WI: Musk is now bribing voters in the WI Supreme Court election
SCOWIS Poll: Crawford (D) leads by 5 in gop internal poll! Early voting is happening now, GOTV!!
Brad Schimel (R) has his trailing Susan Crawford (D) by 5 points (48D - 43R). This is down from two weeks ago when he had a 13 point deficit (48D-35R). Election day is April 1st.
Musk's PAC offers $100 to Wisconsin voters in pitch against "activist judges"
There's a chance Trump will endorse and appear for Schimel...
Crawford signs
Sick of the entire argument for the state Supreme Court campaign being about sexual predators
Meet And Greet With Susan Crawford in Milwaukee
The misleading election date got into the news!
Today is the day to meet Susan Crawford
Crawford and Schimel are tied at 47% each in a new poll
I'm done donating and volunteering
Joint Dem Party, Crawford ad knocks Musk’s role in Supreme Court race
Received pro-Crawford, election postcard with incorrect election date in mail today. From Hartford, CT. Election misinformation???
Wisconsin appeals court overturns ruling allowing for emailing ballots to disabled voters