Oh how the conservatives must "love" her class 💀
Now this is body positivity
Hmmm 🤔
Dude was handing out Hamas flyer. Surprised they try to deport him
Everything is fine at Ubisoft
Alex jones messing with anti-elon protestors
Liberal has mental breakdown and uses his keys to vandalize Cybertruck in Lakewood, Colorado
Here comes the Ottomans
Someone had different priorities
Tesla protestor fucks around and finds out
„Guys, it’s not real!“ every post has this one guy
These are the people you argue with on reddit.
Insane Tiktoker says he wants all Republican women or any woman who voted for Trump to be "gang r*ped" on national television and that it would be a "cathartic" experience for him.
Time To Learn what a Km is
Leftist draws a swastika on cybertruck belonging to jewish man.Fighting Nazis by becoming one lol
FAFO 😂 😂 😂
Well how about that 💀
I love this girl. 🤣
Hardship builds character gotta keep them on their toes
This man had kids for one reason.
Is this a weapon sir?
Unreal engine defaults to 'Man Jaw's for female characters
A 47 years old Asian. Goddam (@tsukishimakeia on Twitter)
It turns out that we didn't need new laws to fix the border problem, we just needed a new president.
Climate activist fighting the 'Climate Crisis' by pouring latex on Tesla's electric robot.
not my flag, not my country, not my problem.