What would you do with this book?
335lb/152kg thumbless Excalibur lift
Traumatized my kid today
My window broke spontaneously
Have i fish proofed my fountain?
is this cool?
Does anyone know what this is? [bedrock]
Carrots shavings in a cemetery?
I tipped out 24
How do you feel about this random collab?
NASA found a perfectly cut, trillion-ton rectangular iceberg floating off of the Larsen C ice shelf in 2018.
[bedrock] how do I make villagers breed
Found this note at Walmart. Thought it was just your standard propaganda until I opened it. What does it mean?
I found this little ice spike and...
Had these little marks on one side of my face as long as I can remember, never had acne, rest of my face is totally smooth except another mark on my eyelid
I guess I still learned something
My Grandfather's RAF German Shepard's (late 40's- early 60's)
The terrorist’s flag being hidden at the New Orleans new years mass casualty incident
Gingerbread scented de-icer
Where to go out for New Years eve?
There Are Cows Spawning No Stop In Front Of My Home [Bedrock]
Adding dyed torches, yea or may?
How rare is this? Should I disenchant it or keep it?
There is a planet in No Man's Sky called the "Crimson Planet". While on it, everything including the interface turns black and white and the only color you can see is red.
Flexin those gains!! Work hard, flex harder 😉