I came out to my dad and now he says I ruined our legacy.
I am christian but i still have the desire to be lesbian..
This subreddit eats too lean
A giant fuck you to every single person who told me not to kill myself in 2017 and every year since.
Thoughts on honey?
i finally fucked off to the woods
Women only: how many lbs of meat do you eat per day?
How do I stop myself from looking at her in that way.
Anyone with experience using lion diet for rheumatoid arthritis?
How to prepare for a cheat day?
Are Angels Real? Feeling Skeptical.
Strong evidence this is the way.
It sucks so much that everyone hates each other
Ground beef with yogurt and honey?
I have a growing utter disdain for my teenage daughter…
My gut is on fire, I don’t want to go the hospital again!
what's wrong with eating 3 meals + snacks on carnivore?
I aspirated on reflux in my sleep and woke up choking, drowning I couldn't breathe
Diet Soda on Carnivore
Is Fibre Needed?
I don't know if I count as queer or not
Stomach problems day 17
Can cheese cause flare
Carnivore diet probably not for me