Where’s the most challenging position to have Saturn or Pluto in?
I thought I'd share this (I hope its allowed), I messaged a creep after becoming concerned because he said he worked in a school in Manchester. And he clearly has a fetish for teenagers, so I'm kinda worried tbh. Does anyone know who this guy is?
For those of y’all with three different signs for the Big Three, which one do you identify with more?
I miss old Ajay
The Beast, Blade of Grass > Garden of Eden
The song sounds loving but the lyrics are horny
After one week of Mayhem, what is your fav Song and what is your least fav?
why do I have difficulty making/maintaining friends?
why do I struggle so much making/maintaining friends?
The song sounds loving, the lyrics are loving
Which is your favorite sign and what sign are you?
Why do all young boys in the south speak like they are from London?
The song sounds loving but the lyrics are sad
I fear this is me
How correct is this?
Aquarius was voted as the most awkward zodiac sign, and Sagittarius as the least awkward. Next: which sign is the most jealous, and which is the least?
Welp…the holy trinity of hate❤️
Yangtze River China, one of the world's most polluted rivers.
what artist do you like that everyone hates
Signs most likely to practice witchcraft? 🔮🪄
Libra was voted the most Romantic zodiac sign, and Aquarius was voted least. Next: Which sign is the most awkward, and which is the least?
This disgusting piece of shit who groomed me. might delete later.
this is the chart of the p*do who gr*omed me. Anyone know why he is the way he is? idk what time he was born.... also Leo used to be my top 3 fav signs before I met him.... now it's bottom 3 lol. (Virgo bottom 3 as well imo)
Gemini was voted most social, and Scorpio least. Next: Which sign is the most Romantic, and which is the least?
Which signs get better with age?