Do demons have corporeal abilities at all? Are the accounts of people getting strangled by one at night real?
What is the Best name you’ve ever heard?
I know quite a few Trump voters. Non of them are saying they regret it. I’m wondering if most of these posts are fake.
Name this fictional country :)
Why are you NOT afraid of death?
About to have a baby!!! Help!!!
Hate ALL names
I haven’t got a dog… but can you help me name my snake 👀
need recommendations
Need Cute Gay Songs For Pride Playlist
Intersex Catholic Wondering If There Is A Place for Me in The Church
What breed is he?
This couldn’t be farther from the truth
What is the most bizarre and terrifying crime case you have ever heard of?
Shelter named him Jack, but the wife doesn’t like it.
You guys take this order !?!
What do you call this planet? Wrong Answers Only!
Any good news?
If you were in Felix Baumgartner's shoes, what song would you listen to on your descent to earth?
How do you feel about veiling? Why do or don’t you do it?
Name for Boy Dog
What is the most paranormal or unexplained experience you’ve ever witnessed?
Came up with the perfect name for my little bundle of joy!
I prayed that one prayer God answers on speed dial 😭
Songs Where The Artist Teaches You To Do Something